Multiplex screening program for Sexually Transmitted and Blood-borne Infections (STBBIs) and AideSmart!
Team members: Angela and Fio
Project Summary
As several sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections share common routes of transmission, at-risk populations have an increased risk of developing more than one infection. It therefore becomes pertinent to screen for several pathogens simultaneously. The AideSmart! app-based multiplex strategy is a novel, rapid, simultaneous screening and counseling strategy to detect several STBBIs, involving the use of smart apps on iPad/Android tablets, rapid multiplex test-based screening, and a combined counseling service that engages participants and links them to care. It can be offered by healthcare professionals who offer rapid testing services in clinics. It provides a complete digital solution from rapid simultaneous screening device, pre- and post-test combined counseling for co-infections, offered through the app, and testing with rapid tests, and linkages and referral to confirmatory testing, treatment and related services (harm reduction, prophylaxis, etc.) arranged with the app-based service that keeps providers and participants engaged throughout the process.